Comp II
Essay 3
Social Media in the Workplace
A growing hot topic, and cause for concern is the increasing use of social media in the workplace. The landscape for communication has changed, and the line between personal and professional communications has been blurred. How will your employer manage the risks associated with the use of social media and at the same time, gain the benefits that this media form provides? While many employers were initially concerned that employees would use company time and equipment for socializing with friends, they are quickly learning that many social networks can also be used directly for work purposes.
In today's competitive workplace, emerging professionals should spend as much time using online tools for professional knowledge and development, as they do developing their social life and personal interests. Supervisors are learning that social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, Skype, blogs, wikis, text messaging or discussion groups can be used to engage other employees in discussions, and cultivate conversations between teams across geographic, and other boundaries. Speaking to business partners ashore and abound has never been easier, and can be accomplished today with the click of a button.
Social media can also be a profitable sales and marketing tool. Through social media, business professionals now have the ability to advertise, promote, and publicize their products and services without ever having to leave their homes. There is no other low-cost promotional method out there that will easily give you large numbers of visitors, some of whom may come back to your website again and again. In fact, the benefits in most cases exceed the cost. It would take you thousands of dollars to buy several links; social media has the ability to give you that for free.
Social Media doesn’t, “Guarantee” that you will make money. Every site or business that wants to expand and