A large part of finding a job or finding a suitable candidate for a job is often based on networking – a friend of a friend who has heard about a highly qualified individual who is looking for a job. Social networks would seem to be the ideal platform for employers to find qualified candidates for jobs. Since many social networking sites are public, employers may be able to find more information about an applicant than what can be garnered from their résumé. Employees in sales, public relations, and customer service functions as representatives for the companies they work for and social media networks can help employers’ pre-screen potential employees to make sure they won’t embarrass the company. “A well-crafted online persona can serve as an asset, acting as a kind of extended resume (Lee, 2010)”.
However, if employers are going to use social medial to prescreen their potential candidates, they need to be aware of the potential pitfalls. The first is that, employers may face liability under federal,