At the battle of Chancellorsville, Confederate General Thomas Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) had been shot by his own side. The Confederate forces won but the loss of Stonewall Jackson had affected the Confederates very badly. This was good for us. The Union’s general Joseph Hooker had placed his army of the Potomac in a defensive position around the crosswords of Chancellorsville, VA. Hooker had his men flank left to the west of Chancellorsville. Later in the same battle Confederate major Robert Stiles had to deal with the dark in the woods. It was dark out and hard to see. “We couldn’t even see our own lines” said Robert Stiles. The forest absorbed much of the sound of the Confederate advance. Many Union soldiers heard the “Rebel Yell” that accompanied the attack. …show more content…
Stonewall Jackson took the lead as a general for the South army.
He was a hard, smart, and commanding general for the Confederates. He was a very tough man and lost his arm, from a cannonball, and still went to the war. He went to fight at the battle of Bull Run the first battle that he was the general in for the civil war. Jackson was the general for the Confederates and surprised the Union and won the first battle. When he got shot from his own side, it was the battle of Chancellorsville. Chancellorsville was fought in 1863 and lasted for 7 days. Stonewall had defeated the Union in the first battle which was battle of Bull Run. His very good knowledge and strategies for the war bassically won them that battle. Like I said it was a huge upset for the Union. They were the side that should’ve won that battle but Jackson’s skill and troops were strong enough to
He learned his skills from West Point military academy and so did the general for the North, Robert E. Lee. Later he graduated from West Point and went back to the south. He went there with Robert E Lee, general for the Union. Both were a very good generals for both sides. When he graduated from West Point, the Mexican-American War had just begun and Jackson was in that war a little bit. He fought for the Americans and helped them to win that war. Stonewall and Robert E. Lee knew each other and they never knew they would be in the Civil War. For Jackson, life before the war was very busy. Like I said he went to West Point and graduated and after that he went to the Mexican-American War. His family was not that big of a part in the Civil War but they grew him up to be a smart and strong kid. His family sometimes would ignore him and not pay attention to him as much as others. He had two sisters and two brothers. His sisters were Elizabeth and Laura Ann Jackson. His two brothers were Warren and his half brother William Wirt Woodson. His father was Jonathan and his mother was Julia Jackson. His parents were married in September, 1817. His dad was an attorney and his mom was a stay at home mom taking care of her kids.
Jackson’s early life was tough for him. He was born on January 21, 1824, in Clarksburg West Virginia. When he was only 2 years old, his sister Elizabeth, and his father Jonathan, were killed by a typhoid fever. His mother got remarried to Blake Woodson. Jackson lost his mother due to complications at childbirth.
After all the trouble with his family he stayed and lived with his stepdad’s brothers. After attending local schools, he went to West Point, a military academy in New York. Even though he was older than all of his classmates, he started out struggling terribly with his course load. It was hard for him because his other classmates would often tease him about his poor family and modest education. In 1846 he finally graduated 17th with a class of 59. After Jackson was shot, he only lived for 8 more days. He suffered from the shot from his own side and he was dealing with pneumonia. The shot was powerful enough that they had to take off his arm.