The film "The Notebook" is a 2004 romantic drama set along the coast line of South Carolina in 1946, directed by Nick Cassavetes. This film is an American love story between two young adults, Ally and Noah, which had fallen for each other over a short summer break and was torn apart due to financial differences that were looked down upon by Ally's parents.
Noah Calhoun, played by Ryan Gosling, is a rural southerner who had fought in world war two after his beloved Ally had left him after their summer romance had come to an abrupt end. This film is set from Noah's point of view many years later after their love had been rekindled while "his" Ally is in a nursing home suffering from onset Alzheimer’s which is to whom he is reading this love story too.
The reason Noah and Ally's summer love comes to an end is because Ally's parents are these rich, essentially, stuck up people, who are only in Seabrook for summer vacation. To their dismay their daughter falls for this you man, Noah, who is just a commoner in town with not a dime to his name that they consider trash. This is why they pack themselves up with out a moments notice and leave town the next day.
Upon Ally's departure Noah writes Ally every day for a year, three hundred and sixty-five letters. Noah does not receive, not even one letter, back from Ally due to the fact that her mother takes every single letter that wrote and puts them aside so that Ally would not receive them. A while after Noah lists to be drafted for World War II where he loses his best friend in action. After returning home from war, to Noah's discovery, his father has sold their home to but an abandoned house in town. This was which was Noah's dream to restore this home for Ally; it was something they had talked about during that summer.
After not seeing or hearing from Ally for several years Noah crosses paths with her in Charleston where she witnesses her kissing Lon, her current fiancé, in a restaurant. Shattered by