The Stanford Prison Experiment was an experiment that Philip Zimbardo evented. He wanted to study the human response of captivity, of the prison life. Zimbardo randomly assigned roles to the prisoners and the guards. Each role was uniquely identified. For example, he gave the guards sticks and sunglasses and the prisoners were arrested by the police department and were forced into the basement of the jail which was converted into the psychology department that was converted into a makeshift jail. Zimbardo wanted the experiment to be as realistic as he possibly could have made it, therefore, he assigned each role to help do so. Testing each individual and then assigning them to roles would of gave inconclusive readings and therefore, it was…
Some examples of dysfunction during the stanford prison experiment are one of the guys went into the prison experiment. He thought it was going to be an easy way to get money for a summer job and then when he got there he got the role of being a prisoner. He just lost it he started to say that he was going crazy and that something was eating him inside out. He felt like he was going to explode and so the guards reacted by putting him in the hole. Then the guy would still yell and say he wanted out and they wouldn't let him out until he got the chance to go and talk to the guy that was running this whole thing and they let him out.…
The articles “The Stanford Prison Experiment” written by Philip G. Zimbardo and “The My Lai Massacre: A Military Crime of Obedience” composed by Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton both focus on the effects of power. In which the subjects have been ordered to follow something by superiors. In the experiment the original group of subjects are divided into the role of guards, and inmates. The massacre, however, was not an experiment but was the result of an order issued by a higher ranking official. In comparison the movie A Few Good Men was used. This movie contained the same main underlying concepts as the articles which makes it a good comparison. Involved were two marine who were charged with murder of a fellow marine and the conspiracy…
Have you ever noticed that certain people act and behave differently when they are with crowds versus when they are alone? Being in a large crowd can really impact individual to act in a certain way that they seem to fit in with the group and sometimes do things more anonymous as it is in a large crowd. Both Zimbardo and Le Bon believe that bystanders are less responsible and more likely to commit violence than when people are alone. Philip Zimbardo is a psychologist and a professor at Stanford University; he researches the cause of evil in people by doing a Stanford prison experiment. Zimbardo states about how evil can cause good people easily by the peers that they are surrounded by and the culture and traditional way changes can affect people…
The idea of government has been around for centuries. It has changed and expanded so much over the years that certain governments have morphed into a more violent institution, in some cases. Because governments have changed so much over the years, certain governments have slowly evolved to become extreme, and may be considered seriously dangerous in the future.…
One of the infamous experiment in the history of psychology was the Stanford Prison Experiment. Its creator, Dr. Zimbardo, main objective was to see what effects would occur when a psychological experiment into human nature was performed. As I began to perform some research of my own, I noticed that my thoughts on the matter were similar to many; that as a scientific research project, Mr. Zimbardo’s experiment it was a complete failure. However, his findings did provide us with something that was much more important that is still being talked about today; insight into human psychology and social behavior.…
A team at Stanford University, led by Phillip Zimbardo, conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment to investigate causes of conflict between military guards and prisoners. Zimbardo and his team were seeking to observe the inherent personality traits of prisoners and guards and see if this was the chief cause of abusive behavior in these settings (Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo, 1973). This study is one that is well know and well-recognized. Zimbardo and his study are often discussed in many psychology courses today, and have even caused reform in prison systems as well as IRB/APA ethical committees.…
1) What police procedures are used during arrests, and how do these procedures lead people to feel confused, fearful, and dehumanized?…
He wanted to see if nurses would follow orders given by an authority figure (Doctor) when the orders are given over the phone and would be breaking regulations. To study obedience in a real life setting.…
Throughout the ages, people have always followed the orders of a person with a higher status: students have always listened to their teacher, Catholics have always listened to their priests, and soldiers have always listened to their commander. However this norm is not always acceptable, especially when the followers blindly obey the authority. Throughout this paper I will explore why people are so willing to accept orders particularly in dire situations and how this psychological phenomenon can be addressed in the modern day.…
Most people desire some sort of power. Whether it is political power or economic power, this yearning runs our society. Some people use their power to benefit others, and other person inappropriately use their power to degrade and diminish. As explored in the Stanford Prison Experiment, Philip Zimbardo states people change with they are given “power without oversight” (Zimbardo, The Psychology of Evil, TedTalk). Though the students were considered “good apples,” the combination of situation and the system caused the guards to lose their identities and to abuse their power in inhumane ways. The results of the experiment were derived many observations and conclusions about the subjects; however, Zimbardo’s switch between running the experiment…
Experiments have been done for many more years than humans can count on the two hands in which they possess. Two experiments, in particular, were written, “The Stanford Prison Experiment” by Philip G. Zimbardo and “The Perils of Obedience” by Stanley Milgram. These experiments can be controversial for many different reasons, but neither of these experiments were completed under conditions of normality. The information collected in these experiments isn’t exactly based off of real life situations, it becomes difficult not to question the relevance of these experiments.…
The students involved in the Zimbardo Prison Experiment were not cruel people, nor were they truly sadistic. When given the roles as prison guards and prisoners, their behaviors changed dramatically. As prison guards, normally friendly students acted as prison guards under the warden. Under the authority of the guards, the students with the roles of prisoners acted unnaturally and did as the guards told them. Similarly, the soldiers in Germany under Hitler's command did as they were told and acted as they did, not because they were bad people, but because of their positions in German society. They were soldiers and did as a German soldier under Hitler would do. Neither prison guard nor soldier acted aggressively because of their own personalities,…
This study was conducted by Professor Phillip Zimbardo at Stanford University in 1971. Zimbardo wanted to find out if a situation can control the person or can an individual’s beliefs, attitude and values would allow one to rise above their current situation. He wanted to look more in-depth in the behavioral and sociological consequences in the roles of the guard and prisoner. Also, he wanted to find out why and how social situations can overwhelm people. In order to find study subjects, Zimbardo advertised in the paper for healthy, male students and offered $15 a day for up to two weeks. His subjects were predominately white, middle class students with no history of drug use or a criminal record. The basement of Stanford’s psychology department…
The Abu Ghirab prison was the most horrific, brutal and dehumanizing thing I have even come across. The level of suffering the inmates experienced words cannot express how terrifying it is. There were male as well as female and even worst, children was in that dreadful place. They were treated worse than animals in my opinion, I cannot see in no one lives they should have to encounter such gruesome experience. The Stanford prison experiment was conducted on August 14th to 20th, 1971.The team of researchers were led by professor Phillip Zimbardo.This experiment was conducted with college students. This experiment was also dehumanizing although the prisoners were forced to engage in many events, such as defecating in buckets and used their hands…