Sunday, August 28th, 2016 at approximately 7:44 a.m., a noncustodial interview was conducted by Detective D. Johnson with Emily Joy Hamlin. During the interview Emily Hamlin stated she had a party at the he residence earlier in the evening which ended prior to midnight. After the party a group of friends and family went to Derrick Robinson’s residence off of Strathdon Avenue. Emily Hamlin stated she and a small group of friends left the residence and went to Derrick McClain’s aka Terra-D’s apartment. Emily Hamlin stated Derrick Robinson brought her home prior to the shooting. She stated Derrick Robinson was going to drop the car off at Derrick McClain’s apartment and walk back to her apartment. Emily Hamlin stated shortly after Derrick Robinson…
The Stanford Prison Experiment was an experiment that Philip Zimbardo evented. He wanted to study the human response of captivity, of the prison life. Zimbardo randomly assigned roles to the prisoners and the guards. Each role was uniquely identified. For example, he gave the guards sticks and sunglasses and the prisoners were arrested by the police department and were forced into the basement of the jail which was converted into the psychology department that was converted into a makeshift jail. Zimbardo wanted the experiment to be as realistic as he possibly could have made it, therefore, he assigned each role to help do so. Testing each individual and then assigning them to roles would of gave inconclusive readings and therefore, it was…
In discussions of the Stanford Prison Experiment conducted by Philip G. Zimbardo in 1970, one controversial issue has been whether or not the experiment should have ever been attempted. On the one hand, Dr. Zimbardo and his colleagues argued that the experiment gave them a deeper understanding of human suffering and a greater empathy for their fellow man (Ratnesar 2011). On the other hand, one of the former guards contended that the experiment made him more hostile and less sympathetic during his time as a guard and that the circumstances significantly altered his perception of what was appropriate behavior. Others even maintain that the prison experiment degraded the prisoners so greatly, empowered the guards to such a great extent, and even affected Dr. Zimbardo’s behavior and mannerisms so dramatically that it thoroughly altered their sense of…
Authority and Identity usually lead to compliances and conformity and these techniques usually occur in real life situation too. To test out if human being would lose their moral and social values when they lost their individuality, Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment in 1971 to see how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that simulated prison life (Zimbardo - Stanford Prison Experiment, 2008). This experiment was called The Stanford Prison Experiment and it was conducted at Stanford University. While the real life situation that was being mentioned, connected and relevant to Zimbardo’s experiment is the Abu Ghraib prison abuses. Abu Ghraib prison was a U.S. Army detention center for…
In 1971, psychologist Phillip Zimbardo set out to create an experiment that looked at the impact of becoming a prisoner or a prison guard. The experiment was to test human behavior when one's role had been altered into authoritative one. Still powerful after all these years the experiment was the most powerful and popular experiment of all time (O'Toole, K). Researches set up a mock prison in the basement of Stanford University building. There were the 24 students out of 70 volunteers chosen to play the roles of the prisoners or prison guards.…
The articles “The Stanford Prison Experiment” written by Philip G. Zimbardo and “The My Lai Massacre: A Military Crime of Obedience” composed by Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton both focus on the effects of power. In which the subjects have been ordered to follow something by superiors. In the experiment the original group of subjects are divided into the role of guards, and inmates. The massacre, however, was not an experiment but was the result of an order issued by a higher ranking official. In comparison the movie A Few Good Men was used. This movie contained the same main underlying concepts as the articles which makes it a good comparison. Involved were two marine who were charged with murder of a fellow marine and the conspiracy…
My first impression from watching the film was the relationship between the study’s prisoners and guards seemed friendly at first. Though they’re encouraged by Zimbardo and his associates to take the experiment seriously and to invest themselves fully in their roles, the subjects initially still understand that they’re not really in a prison but then, the experiment takes a turn when a guard named Christopher Archer begins to embrace a meaner personality one, in which I suspect from watching the experiment, is not his normal demeanor but, rather, a more boosted version of himself of which he perceives to be his role. Archer introduces an element of meanness to the proceedings, altering the prisoners’ mindset the prisoners start to feel dehumanization…
Can good, moral, and virtuous people be pushed to do bad things? This article seeks to compare an experiment done in 1971 to a real life military situation during wartime. The article also tries to link the experiment to another horrible act done by someone suffering from various mental illnesses with extremely mixed results. Is there a correlation between these three events as far as the mental states of the participants?…
Zimbardo’s mock prison experiment yielded the conclusion that individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmental contingencies rather than personality traits, character, and will power. His findings were shown through the change in the pretend prison guards’ behavior over a matter of days. Their total demeanor was transformed and they became the role they were playing, with tyrannical and abusive actions towards the prisoners. The prison guards’ power went to their heads and corrupted them, much like what happened in the case of ordinary soldiers torturing prisoners. Like the prison guards, the soldiers were ordinary until they were put into a role of power. The environment of the prison with no structure or set rules changed the soldiers’ demeanors and caused them to throw their morals aside for limitless power over other human…
One of the infamous experiment in the history of psychology was the Stanford Prison Experiment. Its creator, Dr. Zimbardo, main objective was to see what effects would occur when a psychological experiment into human nature was performed. As I began to perform some research of my own, I noticed that my thoughts on the matter were similar to many; that as a scientific research project, Mr. Zimbardo’s experiment it was a complete failure. However, his findings did provide us with something that was much more important that is still being talked about today; insight into human psychology and social behavior.…
1) What police procedures are used during arrests, and how do these procedures lead people to feel confused, fearful, and dehumanized?…
He wanted to see if nurses would follow orders given by an authority figure (Doctor) when the orders are given over the phone and would be breaking regulations. To study obedience in a real life setting.…
In Zimbardo’s experiment, he had two different groups of people, the prisoners and the guards. Zimbardo’s experiment was considered to be a mock prison in the basement of…
Those involved had forgotten they were playing a role. The prisoners were "behaving in pathological ways" and no longer realized that they were free to quit at anytime (Zimbardo, 2006). The guards had either become sadistic or allowed the behavior, believing that they were unable to do anything about it; and as previously stated, even the researchers playing a role had begun to lose their grip on reality (Zimbardo, 2006). This experiment showed just how detrimental inhumane prison conditions were to the health of everyone in the prison system from Super-Intendents to guards and prisoners.…
Fake prisoners and fake guards in a spurious jail is a peculiar way to determine roles in society. Philip G. Zimbardo was the mastermind of the Stanford Prison Experiment, which was a psychological experiment that determined the roles of members in a society that became a fiasco (“Philip G. Zimbardo” 1). The experiment left emotional and mental scars on mock-prisoner lives. The Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) illustrates the way a person changes when a label and power is all of a sudden given to hoax guards in order to control fraud prisoners.…