Site A: Traminer aromatico + Pinot bianco
Site B: Traminer aromatico + Pinot nero
In each site, 4 treatments: +N, +G, N+G and the control (no treatment)
300 g of grapes were sampled for each treatment in triplicate.
Samples are stored in plastic bags, filled with nitrogen prior to sealing (by thermo-sealing). Then samples were stored in freezers at -20°C. Only one vineyard repetition was used for the experiment. The other two can be used for further lyophilization, extraction and analysis of phenolic compounds by HPLC (Carlo Andreotti).
Traminer samples from the Freisingerhof site (samples number 13, 14, 15 and 17) were defrosted for 24h in a refrigerator (4°C). After …show more content…
in incubator
Flask load: 20 mL of juice sample in 50 mL-conical flask Mode: isothermal, 15°C Time: 10 days
3. Data treatment
Water was used as background for FT-IR analysis of the juices and wines.
9 berries, 3x2 mL of juice and 3x1 mL of wine were used for PTR-MS analyses and for ENOSE analysis.
Portable electronic nose (PEN3)
The portable electronic nose (PEN) is a small, fast and robust analytical instrument which consists of a combination of array and chemical sensors and pattern recognition software, used to identify gases and gas mixtures. The detection of the gases is performed with a metal-oxide gas sensor array. Individual gases or gas mixtures can be identified by using the pattern generated from the sensors. In the case of individual gases, the instrument is able to identify up to 10 different compounds or provides a quick and simple answer like "Good-Bad"or"Yes-No", depending on the user’s needs. There is a possibility of getting a qualitative answer as well, although in this case previous training and comparison with the database is needed. Because of its particular sampling strategy PEN can be operated in the laboratory, or in mobile applications in the environment as well as online for process control applications. The variety of pattern recognition algorithms allows the system to be used in a broad range of applications - including laboratories and