If this such thing is to happen globally, each country, county, and town would be able to feed itself, thus lowering the global impact of food production. She also argues that there are many different paradigms that pressure the global food economy. One of these paradigms, Shiva explains, is the “knowledge paradigm of which [we] are a part, and the sophistication and sustainability of an agricultural farming system are dependent on the sophistication of the knowledge paradigm that governs it.” Through this statement, she argues that it is impossible for the change of agricultural systems without acknowledging the paradigms that exist within
If this such thing is to happen globally, each country, county, and town would be able to feed itself, thus lowering the global impact of food production. She also argues that there are many different paradigms that pressure the global food economy. One of these paradigms, Shiva explains, is the “knowledge paradigm of which [we] are a part, and the sophistication and sustainability of an agricultural farming system are dependent on the sophistication of the knowledge paradigm that governs it.” Through this statement, she argues that it is impossible for the change of agricultural systems without acknowledging the paradigms that exist within