Peter Singer's persuasive essay strips us bare of our selfish wants as he equates our tendency to accumulate all the stuff we don’t need with ignoring the plight of drowning children and, as such, being responsible for the death of those children. We are, Singer convincingly argues, products of our fortunate “social capital”; therefore, we have an obligation to those who do not have a social capital.
Life is priceless. It is God’s greatest gift and should be returned to the Creator through good actions and charity. From this perspective rose philanthropy, with the aim of improving human life quality. Many attempts to “fight global poverty” were led during this century by some individuals but the core of the solution lies , according to Peter Singer in his article “What Should a Billionaire Give – and What Should You?”, in the collaboration between all classes of people. Singer dissects through his persuasive essay the different reasons that led to disparity and philanthropy, in addition to the exposure of a strategy in order to combat poverty in developing countries.
The history of developing countries has always been marked with poverty. The origins of scarcity may lie in the field of colonization and the exploitation of people, lands and resources by the European empire-building in the nineteenth century. As a fact, poor people had less access to health, education and other services. Therefore, the percentage of disease, ignorance and wars increased dramatically thus worsening the situation and dragging poor countries into even deeper problems. Then, with the twentieth century, rose globalization and the promise held by developed countries to help inferior countries escape poverty by elaborating strong bonds between nations and offering spiritual, economical, emotional and physical aid.
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and