So, after Planter Nathaniel Bacon’s foreman was murdered by indians he put together a small band of colonists who began to revengefully murdering both peaceful and hostile tribes in the Virginian area. The rebellion chased the governor William Berkely out of the capital and then proceeded to torch most of Jamestown. The governor was a target because he had been deeply rooted in trade with the indians and used his power to favor his inner circle. It would …show more content…
The glorious revolution also referred to as the bloodless revolution came about through the fear of the people toward King James II as a result of his abuse of power and affiliation with the Roman catholic church. This led to a civil war that James would lose and then forced into exile. The revolution then affected American history as it would signal the end of the dominion of new England.
8.Mercantilism- Is an economic philosophy in which nations must acquire colonies in order to increase their wealth(Gold and Silver) by exporting more than they import.
Mercantilism was a way to collect wealth by exporting more than you export thus increases your total amount of wealth( gold or silver). This was what England had in mind for the colonies and they did indeed receive a bountiful amount of raw materials from the colonies. Although, mercantilism would eventually prove to fail in increasing enough revenue to cover the cost of the colonies. Take the debt incurred by England as result of the wars with France as example of such expenses.
9.The Enlightenment- A 17th century philosophical movement that the world was based upon natural