Below is the discussion of a plan that Miami school district has announced of cutbacks due to unexpected enrollments. Parents of the community started voices their opinions based on information received that some students will not be able to stay at their present school. Parents voiced their objections of the proposal by stating that the quality of a child’s education is more important. Next, the fact of increased travel time, crossing of boundaries, and the social effects on children is much more important. The stakeholders involved will be discussed. The negotiation strategy that the parents used to support their claims is discussed below. Ethics and culture is discussed to support the negotiation strategy.
Quality of Education Based on life experience the quality of youth education is very important. The parents in the Miami school district are very concerned about the school board’s plan to redraw school boundaries. The parents feel that the school board is not considering how valuable youth education is. The parents feel that children are our future and without education our future is in jeopardy. Based on research of violent children it is documented that they have little or no education. Quality education is the key to success and the parents feel that the school board is not considering this fact. Parents in the community feel that the school board is not putting education first; instead are focused on the money.
Increased Travel Time The school board wants to send students in the community to different locations that may cause them to have to travel long distances to school. The parents are not happy with the travel time; they feel this will cost the parent more money in gas, and less learning time for the students.
Economic and Cultural Boundaries The parents of the Miami district are concerned that if the students are relocated to other area that the culture or way of learning may be
References: Booker, A. B. (2001). The title of the book: Subtitle of the book. City, ST: Publisher. Journal, C. D. (2004). Title of article. Name of Journal, volume(number), page numbers. (Uses hanging indent if more than one line). Webber Institute. (2003). Retrieved January 26, 2004, from