The Nullification Crisis was a sectional crisis in 1832–33, while Andrew Jackson was president, which was complicated by a confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government. The crisis ensued after South Carolina declared that the federal Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and therefore null and void within the sovereign boundaries of the state.
Tariff of 1824 This tariff was a protective tariff which prohibited British merchandises from being retailed in America. It was designed in an effort to shield American Industries.
Tariff of 1828 This tariff was otherwise known as the “Tariff of Abominations” because of the outcomes it had on the southern economy, the financial system of the south. The purpose of the tariff was to benefit northern companies that were …show more content…
He believed that the nation, the United States, depended on the unity of all of the states.
Hayne's Counter Proclamation Governor Hayne maintained that a state could consider a national law as unconstitutional. Jackson rounded up troops to attack South Carolina, meanwhile Governor Hayne continued to disregard the tariffs. South Carolina nearly went to war against United States.
Force Bill This permitted Jackson to have access to the army and navy as a means to accumulate duties on the tariffs. South Carolina again nullified this bill.
Clay's Compromise Clay’s Compromise was a response to the Force Bill. The compromise entailed a new tariff that slowly decreased the tariff. This caused of states that claimed nullification to back down and the United States avoided a large scale skirmish.
South Carolina repeal of Nullification South Carolina decided to accept Clay's compromise. The state repealed some of their nullifications. However, it displayed the differences between the North and