
Analyzing Mark Bowen's 'Censoring Science'

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Censoring Science is a book by Mark Bowen that expresses the political attack on Dr. James Hansen and the science that is global warming. The main issue that is prevalent throughout the early chapters of the book comes from the books own title, censoring science. What was beginning to happen was that global warming was becoming a reality, which many scientists at NASA, GISS, and the Goddard Space Flight Center were already noticing and accepting as scientific fact. But, The U.S. government was trying to stop or discredit this information when scientists like Jim Hansen tried to tell the media and get the word out to the rest of the world. When you look at what happened when President George W. Bush took office a lot of the reasons surface as to why …show more content…

Their rules, in a nutshell, can all be summarized by a letter to Dead Acosta and David Mould from Mark Hess reviewing their rules that state, “1) NASA policy from the Administrator is that all calls or e-mails from the news media for interviews, comments or other information with NASA employees are to be immediately forwarded to the cognizant PAO for coordination with headquarters Public Affairs. No comments or interviews should be granted until they have been coordinated and approved by the NASA HQs science mission directorate and Public Affairs Office… 2) All content for the GISS webpage needs to be sent to Drs. Mary Cleave and Colleen Hartman, as well as HQ Public Affairs, for approval before posting…. 3) Dates of coming speeches, data releases, scientific meetings/conferences must be provided to the GISS PAO with enough advance notice to be able to keep HQ fully informed of any activities which may generate significant media coverage.” (Bowen,

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