
Analyzing Pericles Funeral Oration

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Analyzing Pericles Funeral Oration
Through out Pericles’ “Funeral Oration” speech, Pericle emphasized the greatness of Athens and the men who died fighting for her. In many parts of the oration he goes one about how great athens is. At one time he spoke of the military in Athens: “ our military training is in many respects superior to that of our adversaries.” “For we have a peculiar power of thinking before we act, and of acting, too, whereas other men are courageous from ignorance but hesitate upon reflection . And they are surely to be esteemed the Bravest spirits who, having the clearest sense both of the pains and pleasures of life, do not on that account of shrink from danger. In doing good, again, we are unlike others” from this excerpt of the oration, he was speaking of how much more superior the Athenian government to any other greek city-state around. At one point it states; “ I …show more content…
To the parents he conveyed two different groups, the ones young enough to have more children and the others who were not as lucky. To the younger crowed he said; “ Some of you are of an age at which they may hope to have other children, and they ought to bear their sorrow better; not only will the child who may hereafter be born make them forget their own lost ones, but the city will be doubly a gainer.” On the other hand he spoke to the parent pass their golden years; “ Congratulate yourselves that you have been happy during the greater part of your days; remember that your life of sorrow will not last long, and be comforted by the glory of those who are gone. For the love of honor is ever young, and not riches, as some say, but honor is the delight of men when they are old and useless.” While talking to the widows he wraps it into one sentence, “ To a woman not to show more weakness than is natural to her sex is a great glory, and not to be talked about for a good or for evil among

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