supporters to help increase voter turnout is decreasing. As Hopkins says in this article, speeches have turned into sound bites and there is a lost of interest in the main idea of what the speaker says. Instead, the media focuses on certain aspects of his/her speech and portrays that as the speakers idea. The people are losing connection to who they are voting for and I think this is why voter turnout is decreasing. I would rather have a politician try and make a connection between communities through rallies or visits to show and prove that he/she keeps their word. It gives me more of a stability and reliance that I can put my trust into this politician. If more people become involved in PTA’s, churches, etc. ideas and plans will be more known. Everything revolves around the media and electronics these days and its hard to make a connection to people in this time of age. I think trying to make the connection is better than following the way the media portrays the image of a politician. We are all human and no one is perfect. We are looking for someone that is a link to the people not the supposed “perfect” match.
supporters to help increase voter turnout is decreasing. As Hopkins says in this article, speeches have turned into sound bites and there is a lost of interest in the main idea of what the speaker says. Instead, the media focuses on certain aspects of his/her speech and portrays that as the speakers idea. The people are losing connection to who they are voting for and I think this is why voter turnout is decreasing. I would rather have a politician try and make a connection between communities through rallies or visits to show and prove that he/she keeps their word. It gives me more of a stability and reliance that I can put my trust into this politician. If more people become involved in PTA’s, churches, etc. ideas and plans will be more known. Everything revolves around the media and electronics these days and its hard to make a connection to people in this time of age. I think trying to make the connection is better than following the way the media portrays the image of a politician. We are all human and no one is perfect. We are looking for someone that is a link to the people not the supposed “perfect” match.