Deadpool is a movie based on the the life of an average human being named Wade Wilson. Wade W. was not just an ordinary citizen, his income comes from being hired to “scare” people; he wasn't the kindest, but then again he wasn't the worst. In the movie he describes himself as ‘a bad guy taking down people that are worse than me.’ Even though he likes to put up the tough-guy act most of the time, he is actually really sweet. …show more content…
Vanessa and him don't start out as a typical cliché love-struck couple,no. They are aware of each other's personal flaws, and crazy life styles but still fall madly in love with each other He describes his life as finally being complete and having undeniable happiness when he is with her.He had finally found something he had been searching for his whole life, but never knew he needed. Wade Wilson has finally found love.
Things, however, take a turn for the worse when he finds out he has late-stage cancer in his: liver, lungs, prostate, and brain. He doesn't want to force Vanessa to watch him slowly die so he then takes matters into his own hands; and as I would describe it, makes a deal with the devil. He signed his body over to an evil scientist named Ajax who tortures and disfigures Wade Wilson to the become the invincible Deadpool. Deadpool’s own personal mission now is it find and kill the man who did this to him. He takes revenge to a whole