
Anarchism Vs Socialism

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Anarchism Vs Socialism
Individual liberties and freedoms are at the heart of both Anarchism and Socialism. Both address the hierarchical nature of governmental control and it’s stifling of the individual right to liberty. Subsequently, both saw capitalism as the killer of the souls of men. Anarchism splits from socialism on economic, social, and political ideologies. Anarchism critique of socialism stems from its founding belief the individual is at the center of all and without the individual nothing good the has been created would exist furthermore without the individual society would not exist as exhibited in the Emma Goldman statement “What role did authority or government play in human endeavor for betterment, in invention and discovery? None whatever, or at …show more content…
The mere suggestion of the individual subjugation to governmental proprietors is unpalatable to anarchist being that the government is viewed as unnecessary for society and counter productive to man's liberty and progress. Moreover, man’s natural state is held to be free of the state or any organized government. Pursuing this further Goldman hold that “Human society then was not a State but an association; a voluntary association for mutual protection and benefit.” Counter to socialist beliefs anarchist promoted associates of groups of close-knit communities based on mutual aid and without and centralized form of governance. Proudhon criticized the socialist calling for state ownership of productive property in That Property is Impossible expounding on the mathematical reasoning the property ownership is impossible. Proudhon was critical profits stating that “Every man who makes a profit has entered into a conspiracy with famine”. He reasoned a surcharge on laborers, production (profit) would not allow the laborer to purchase their own goods thus Proudhon was critical of Socialist redistribution of collecting and disseminating of profits would be tantamount to

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