M2. Probable homeostatic response’s to changes in the internal environment during exercise.
The actual word homeostasis means "steady state". Homeostasis describes how the body regulates its process to keep its internal conditions as stable as possible. Homeostasis is necessary because human cells are efficient but very demanding. The phrase homeostasis is a bit confusing; conditions inside our bodies are not constant but are kept within a narrow range. Some factors such as temperature and blood PH change slightly while others such as blood glucose very considerably throughout a normal day without producing any harmful effects. A brief description of homeostasis is that it is maintenance of a constant internal environment in response to a change in external environment. Negative feed makes sure that as levels return to normal, corrective mechanisms are scaled down, it’s when the body maintains conditions within particular limits, and the body will do this by opposing a change that deviates from the normal, core temperature falls.
Core temperature rises, drop detected by hypothalamus. Brain sends signals to the body that brings out shivering and vasoconstriction. Temperature turns to normal.
Normal body temperature: 36.9c
Rise detected by hypothalamus. Brain sends signals to body that brings out sweating and vasodilatation.
Negative feedback comes when an important variable, sometimes known as a key variable such as the pH of blood and tissue fluid.Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment in response to changes in the external environment. Homeostatic mechanisms are for regulating; body temperature, blood glucose, heart rate and breathing rate.
Regulating the internal environment of a human is achieved by negative feedback; this is a constant process. Conditions within the body changes and receptors detect that change; receptors are found in the skin, around