
Ancient Egypt Agriculture

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Ancient Egypt Agriculture
Much of the Ancient Egyptian agriculture was heavily dependent upon the Nile River, as they relied on its natural flooding and draining of the floodplain. Egyptians are recognized for being the first civilization for farming at a large scale. This was due in part to the engineering innovations that the Egyptians developed. Egyptians were also well organized in managing the irrigation system they had developed to induce crop growth.
Their system only required a small amount of labor to maintain and keep in working condition. Regional Egyptian officials implemented policies forcing every Egyptian to move around thirty cubic meters of soil in about ten days every year. This was done in order to prevent any clogging of the main canals. Egyptians
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As soon as the water level reached the mouths of the canal, the dams that blocked the canals from the Nile River were opened. After these dams were opened the basins and canals were flooded. When the highest water level was attained, the canals were once again blocked, leaving the remaining water to dissipate from either evaporation or slowly be drained. The evaporation and drainage stage would take around a couple of months in order to be completed. This sophisticated system created an environment for growing seasonal crops along the Nile and was seen as advanced agriculture for its …show more content…
It was a primitive method but still required a prodigious amount of skill in order to complete.
Ancient Egyptians also were known for growing fruits. In order to grow and harvest fruits, more advanced agricultural practices were necessary. When Egyptians began cultivating fruits they were most likely indigenous to the land. Later on, other cultures’ influences that Ancient Egyptians came into contact with introduced other types of fruit such as apples and olives.
Egyptians coveted grapes for multiple reasons, one being their wine making ability. Grapes were well-maintained by a process called drying. Dried grapes, or raisins, were used for manufacturing certain medicines and were utilize in some cooking recipes.
Pest control was also practiced by the Ancient Egyptians in order to protect their crops. Farming workers would use sling shots in order to defend off birds that would eat their vital crops. Another method used that could be seen as modern, is biological control. The central government would prohibit any citizen from harming certain birds that would eat the harmful

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