The shaduf was a long pole like a seesaw or crossbeam. A bucket is hung on a rope from one end also know as the long end. There was a counter weight or a rock on the other side of the the pole, also called the short end. The shaduf was strategically placed to put near a canal so that it could work efficiently. There was a rope attached so that the operator could pull it and the shaduf would work.
The shaduf is a very easy to use. The shaduf is hand operated for lifting water from a canal or the Nile River to land. The operator pulls down a rope that is attached to the long end to fill the bucket up. Then after the bucket is full the counter weight or rock will raise the bucket back up and put it on to land. The operators were usually the same rich peasants who farmed and maintained the land when it was the time to farm. The shaduf works very fast. It did not take as much time as carrying water did. They would use it mostly to irrigate crops and land when there wasn’t rich soil.
The shaduf is a very helpful invention that helped people to farm better. The shaduf is sometimes still used today in some countries to irrigate their land. It works very easy and does not take a lot of time to work with. In conclusion, it was a big help to ancient Egypt at that time which made their farming