Egyptian people believed many of their favorite animals were symbols of things and often represented a God of some type. Examples would be the Cobra, cats and dogs, the falcon, the beetle, fish and hippopotamuses. The Cobra was the symbol for royalty and authority and was also used by many kings and pharaohs as a symbol of might. The Scarab Beetle was a way of wishing good luck, and was very important to the Egyptians because it gave a wish of eternal life. ( Fish were also symbols of good luck and were often worn as charms to provide protection. There were also many animals that represented Gods and Goddesses. For instance, a falcon represented Horus, the king, and was the protector of lands and …show more content…
Well, the Egyptians did. They had to hunt animals for food. Many of these animals that they believed to be symbols they also hunted for food. Examples include animals like hippos, lions, snakes and jackals ( Often Egyptians would have to be very careful hunting because most of these animals were dangerous. They also hunted for food from animals that were not as dangerous such as fish, ducks geese and pigeons(Geraldine Harris, and Delia Pemberton). They hunted many similar animals to what people today hunt in different parts of the world. In conclusion, the Egyptians hunt many different