2. Egyptʼs geography and climate influenced the development of its religion, politics, and outlook. Egyptian civilization was focused on the Nile River and the surrounding deserts. The Nile River flooded at appropriate times to allow grain to grow. The Egyptians had a positive outlook because the river was dependable. This dependability also made the Egyptians view the universe as an orderly beneficial world, andviewed the afterlife as orderly and optimistic as well. The Egyptian religion was focused on guaranteeing continuous flow from the Nile and prosperity derived from the river and its ability to irrigate the land. The pharoh, the Egyptian ruler, was believed to be a descendant from the gods. The Egyptian king was Horus, and the son of Re, the sun-god. It was believed that the king intervened with the gods on behalf of the Egyptian people. Since the king was connected to the sun-god and assured prosperity from the Nile, the kingʼs leadership was divine. It also helped that the land was fertile for many years, giving the Egyptian leader more credibility and power. Around the fifth millennium B.C.E. Farming developed along the Nile River.…