Schools taught law, music, and medicine, and also taught reading and writing due to Greeks being expected to be literate. Greece developed drama and lyric poems and laid out the basis for philosophy. In Ancient greece, you were either a farmer, fisherman, or craftsman, or a teacher, soldier, or a government official if you were male. If you were female you were a homemaker that took care of the kids and cooked/cleaned. The hierarchy of Greece was, from upper class to lower class, Athens, Metics, Freedmen, then Slaves. Although Greece did have agriculture, only about twenty percent of the land was farmable. The main crops of Ancient Greece were grapes, barley, and olives. Due to the …show more content…
However, they invented a lot more than just a government. There are many things invented by the Greeks that are still used today. Among these things are an alarm clock and the Olympics. Although both of these were not as we see them today, they were invented by the Greeks. They also created the basis of medicine and Philosophy, and are responsible for much of today’s knowledge of the natural world, geometry, and astronomy. Greece is also the home of the water mill. Greeks used tools like a crank drill(a drill used by turning the handle) for building, and a garden rake and plow for farming. The garden rake was primitive, just a stick with a fork on it, but it was very useful for