Theater got from the Greek time of Dionysian festivity function move express gratitude toward God. Theater fabricating basically mountain building. Curve shows up in the theater, demonstrating that the first Greek style structural planning, with new components Romanesque construction modeling. Since down to earth purposes, the utilization of Romanesque curve theater the way, can hold up development of a huge number of onlookers in the stands.…
“Not least among the achievements of this great age was the invention and perfection of an artistic medium which we take so unthinkingly for granted that we cannot imagine civilized life without it-the theater.”(Knox 13) Sophocles was the most accomplished playwright in the dramatic competitions of the city-state of Athens that took place during the religious festivals of the Lenaea and the Dionysia. The first of the three Theban plays to be written was Antigone which was believed to have been written around 441 B.C., Secondly Oedipus the King around 430 b.c., and lastly Oedipus at Colonus sometime near the end of Sophocles’ life in 406–405 b.c. However in chronological order, the plays go Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and lastly Antigone. The plays were all written and produced in Athens, Greece.…
Greek theater took great advantage of the natural surroundings, a great theater design, and technologically advanced props and equipment. The Theater itself consisted of 4 parts, the Orchestra, the Skene, the theatron, and the paradoi. Technologically advanced equipment such as the machina, or the ekeclema gave the greek theater an air of believability. Oedipus took advantage of many of these aspects of the theater, and used them to a great advantage.…
When dwelling upon the main developments of the theatre, one turns to look at the origins of its birth, therefore focusing upon the Ancient Greeks. A lot of the theatre in which is established today comes from the activities of Greek Worship. The Greeks worshipped their Gods, including ‘the worship of Dionysus; the God of fertility and wine.’ (Gascoinge; History of Theatre, 2001 ongoing.) The Greeks worshipped their Gods through the use of sculpting, painting, music and literature, alongside this they incorporated dance, music and drama. As many of the Athenian’s were illiterate, Greek Theatre was used to explain to the communities the literature in which was written, allowing them through ‘reading artistic signals’ (Michael Walton, J; The Greek Sense of Theatre, Pg.4) to understand ‘the world about them, their fellow men and their Gods.’ (Michael Walton, J; The Greek Sense of Theatre, Pg.4)…
In ancient Greece plays became important. There were two kinds of plays written and performed, comedy and tragedy. A comedy back then usually made fun of a certain topic. A tragedy in ancient Greece usually dealt with a social or moral issue, or human suffering. In a tragedy play a girl named Antigone goes against the king’s orders and buries her brother, who was killed while leading a rebellion (Doc 6) shows an example of a tragedy play. In this play many Greeks values were expressed which is the same purpose of the majority of western civilizations plays today which was to express certain…
The Ancient Greece culture has made many contributions to western civilization. The ancient Greeks affected the western civilizations math, government, sports, and medicine. They affected the western civilization in a big way. We even use some of these contributions today.…
Greek gods,goddess, showed the greek how to live their lives in ancient greece. Five greek gods,goddesses, of note are Poseidon, Apollo, Demeter, Athena, and Hermes. Greek Mythology was important to the Greek’s mind set and civilization.…
They believed that their gods were greatly concerned with honor and they felt that many of their hardships were due to their gods being dissatisfied with them; they did feel that natural disasters, such as disease and bad harvest seasons, were caused by the gods. In order to find semblance in their lives, Athenians came up with cultural rituals and practices that they felt would please and appease their gods. They came up with practices having to do with things such as burial and sacrifice rites, and they felt that these acts would bring them good luck, and may even be cause for their gods to grant them wishes. These were also more ways in which Athenians could flaunt their power, social statuses, and wealth to fellow citizens and also citizens of other city-states. Ancient Athenians showcased this idea not only through the practices they did but also in the art in which they created and displayed. For example, their dedication to their religion caused Athenians to come up with the concept of Greek tragedy; take for example the play Antigone written by the playwright Sophocles. The play revolves around a plot that reflects the Athenian values concerning religion. Overall, plays were brought about because the citizens of ancient Greece felt that they would please the god Dionysus; they felt that in regards to that god in particular, they would receive good…
Greece was the birthplace of Western Civilization because its culture became the embodiment for the other western civilizations. The tale of the ancient Greek civilization showed an immense painful history of foreign supremacy. But their civilization was built on solid foundation and led by powerful leaders that created values, norms and customs that are still being practiced and observed by many modern societies. This is the reason why the Greek civilization continued to flourish, remembered, celebrated throughout the entire world. One of the factors that can be considered as an important part of the Greek civilization development is the geography. The geography of Greece had a very overwhelming impact on every aspect like its political, cultural,…
Ancient Greece is called 'the birthplace of Western civilisation'of Western civilisation'. About 2500 years ago, the Greeks created a way of life that other people admired and copied. The Romans copied Greek art and Greek gods, for example. The Ancient Greeks tried out democracy, started the Olympic Games and left new ideas in science, art and philosophy (thinking about life).…
Religion and Mythology in Ancient Greece were looked upon with the utmost importance, the Greek myths and tales of religion explained the unexplainable, gave reason to live and a sense of stability to a community.…
There are so many ways in which history has been documented over time all serving as a permanent record of a culture and its people for future generations to have access to and learn from. The study of the visual arts and architecture in a given time period showcase the basic ideas about a group of human beings giving insight into their beliefs and cultural message. These insights are presented with a specific point of view intended by its creator, influenced by its historical experiences. And so, it is the responsibility of the observer to examine pieces of art and architectural structures taking into account the context in which they were produced. By doing so, we can more accurately understand the ideas that are trying to be conveyed. Political,…
Greece the origin of a multitude of famous philosophies, astronomical theories, mathematical ideas and architectural feats! Greece's prime location and various geographical features was one of its greatest attributes which in fact helped make Greece one of the most successful ancient civilizations. Throughout history mountainous terrain and vast amounts of water in close proximity have helped provide the people of Greece with protection, means of transport and trade, and furthered communication lines this had a major impact on its growth and development.…
Drama: In ancient Greece, citizens came together for festivals, celebrations and theatrical productions. Greeks like Aeschylus wrote tragedies that served to describe political and social worries. Greeks like Menander wrote plays to mock the rich, upper class, But in the in the end, they came together to put commentaries on the worries of…
For my DIY course, I had researched mythology, mainly Greek mythology though. So in the beginning of Greek mythology, the first gods were Gaea, the Earth and Uranus, the Sky and Heavens. Some stories say that Gaea had made Uranus. Together they had twelve children in all and they were known as the first generation of Titans. Six of them were females and their names were Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Theia, Themis and Tethys. The six males were named Coeus, Cronus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus. The Titans arose to power when Cronus, his mother, Gaea, and his brothers made a plan to take the rulership of the Cosmos from their father, Uranus, resulting with Cronus who the youngest brother to be in control.…