Ancient Persia Under What Do I Know Me
Get a sheet of notebook paper out. Write on the right side of your paper “What Do I Know”, write in the middle, “What I what to learn” and then on the left corner of your paper write “what you have learned”. Next, draw a vertical line between each of the phrases. Then, you will write about what you already know about ancient Persia under “what do I Know”. After that you will write down the things that you would like to learn about ancient Persia under “what you what to know”. Then, I will pick up KWL Chart and take a quick look at them.
Now, I will begin my lecture on ancient Persia.
Each of you will divided into groups of two where you will write a rape song on ancient Persia. Within these rap songs, each group will use their knowledge
about ancient Persia and put it into a song. In addition, students will also use pop cultural references within their rap songs as well.