After the ancient architecture was excavated more recently, the archeologists discovered more clues to this lost city. The commercial buildings in Thira were constructed of dressed limestone blocks, while residential houses were constructed by using small stones of uneven shapes. As well as the remains of occupants of this city, Thira also contained pottery, architectural designs as well as religious symbols, giving archeologists a fascinating look into the bronze age that wasn't previously available.
These artifacts found show the economic activities as well as beliefs held by the Thera society. In a nutshell, it can be seen that the society of Thira was organized around craftsmanship as one of its major economic activity. The large amount of pottery indicates that the Theran people were skilled craftsmen. The location of Thera made trade very convenient. It was situated in a place that opened to many trade routes. Among the remains found in the excavated areas were art sculptures. This could be attributed to decline in the pottery materials and as such to maintain their livelihood this society had to turn to plastic as their medium.
The rooms of this ancient society were architectural articulations of wall-paintings symbolizing happy moment in architectural creation . These paintings were an expression of happiness leading to the conclusion that this society existed peacefully. Furthermore, the relationship of that society to the divine was in all probability real. This is so because from these paintings one can observe some of the drawings of their gods. Sculptures of gods strongly suggest that the society had divine inclination. From the paintings it appears that the divine might have permeated everyday life