Mr. Robinson
HAL, Per.5
6 March 2014
Reading Response
In the novel ... And The Earth Did Not Devour Him by Tomas Rivera, the author illustrates the hardships as a Mexican American migrant farm worker in the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was considered a landmark of Chicano literature. The author not only did he write the novel, but also he lived it as well. He states that our greatest weakness lies in giving up and the most certain way to succeed is always be persistent. He supports his by emphasizing how he faced poverty, instability, and physical strength while managing the pressure of everyday life and describing the pressure to assimilate into American culture. His purpose is to inform that with determination and perseverance everything is possible in order to motivate society to keep pursuing their dreams. The author stress the theme of religion. He often questioned his beliefs of God when his family was getting sick of exhaustion from working on the farm. He kept asking his mother why she kept relying on religion and candles to relieve his family from illness. He also questioned
God’s intentions whenever the innocent were always the ones becoming sick, the ones who never did harm to anyone. However, he lies to his mom so that she can keep faith about her spirits. As manifest in the book when the author said “ what his mother never knew was that every night he would drink... he was going to tell her but then he thought that he’d wait” (7).
In addition, the author emphasizes the theme of education. His father constantly nagged him about obtaining a higher education so he could get a more rewarding job as a result. Having an education would get these minority migrant workers off the fields and into high paying career.
He indirectly mentions that migrant families are rarely able to consistently attend school, but the his father insists that he finishes school. This demonstrates that his father wants a better life for his son