Effective leadership must have certain personality traits and skills contribute to the effectiveness of leadership. General personality traits associated with personal leadership include self-confidence, humility, trustworthiness, authenticity, extraversion, assertiveness, enthusiasm, optimism, warmth, and sense of humor (Dubrin, 2010, p.34). Another aspect is the skills of leadership which important for leadership success. Cognitive skill is necessary to have in order to be a good effective leader. Cognitive may include the technical competences and creativity that contribute intelligence and knowledge to the business and group. For instance, conceptual thinking helps leaders to understand the long-term implication or actions to take the overall perspective. The creativity gives the ability to make effective decision in business opportunity.
The trait and skill approach to leadership is supported by many studies showing that effective leaders are different from ineffective leader. Nevertheless the trait and skill approach do not tell people which traits and skill are most important in which situation or how much a trait and skill are required. Overall, different situations call for different combination of leadership traits and skills.
The way how leaders influence the followers to put the needs of organization’s vision and goals above their self-interest is depend on the leadership style. Charismatic leaders have self-confidence to motivate the followers, energy and enthusiasm to let the followers believe in the vision and goals, and the ability to communicate well. The transformational leadership style must be able to raise people’s awareness, help people look beyond self-interest and self-fulfillment, understand the need for change and make people commit to the greatness of the company (Hater & Bass, 1988).
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