Carnigie grew up as a poor boy in scotland and moved to the states when he was 13 and started to work in a factory and worked his way up the ladder eventually to open his own company. which earned him a massive amout of wealth which he used dirty attics such as creating monopolies and putting others out of business and then raising prices. now how can you call this man a captain of industry when he put countless people out of business. Now you can say he was being a smart businessman but you could also say that he was a robber baron.
Next I'm going to talk about how terribly carnage treated his own employes. The very people who mades is foturne could not afford the own products they were making. He was and advocate if child labor. those of you with younger brothers and sister how would you feel if this billionaire told you your 9 year old siblings is old enough to work in hazardous conditions and and receive 10 cents a day. He once said that it was against the good of society to make more than minim wage how could you even possibly consider this man a captain of industy. it is also believed that he used the gospel of wealth to make up for his cruel treatment of employees. Carnige was responsible for the homestead riots, one of the most deadly in the countries history when he companies profits increased by 60 percent he would raise his employes pay more than 30
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