Sheridan O’Day
I believe most would agree that although the iPhone was not the first smartphone on the market, in 2007 it definitely impacted the technology and even the business world. Wrapping together every function and feature possible into one package, the iPhone set individuals on a craze to get their hands on the next best thing. I can still recall people doing whatever humanly possible, whether it be winning a contest through the radio or internet, just to say they owned the first iPhone. After that, it was almost as though you were in the VIP section of the technology universe. Today, people immediately assume you own the Apple product, and are somewhat looked down upon like some peasant using anything otherwise. Less than a year later, the “smartphone wars” began as Google introduced the Android; the open source smartphone platform linked with the world’s largest search engine website. As an Android advocate, the debate still arises drawing disputes among fellow friends and colleagues as I teeter-totter between the pros and cons of both devices.
The argument commonly begins by discussing the features recognizing that equally, the two are perfectly capable of downloading applications, music, movies, e-books, etc. However, then it becomes a bit more challenging. The Android provides full access to any and all applications available upon Google Play (the application store), most of which are free to download, where as Apple holds a tight hardware and software system causing some complications.
In order for an iPhone user to download certain apps, you must remove the limitations by using “jail-breaking” thus giving access to third party applications. Restoring your phone will then remove the jailbreak, then acquiring the user to begin the process over again. On the other hand, Android phones lack elements as the company tends to be slow relating to receiving the latest and greatest features. Some applications may be