Ether anesthesia: The historical development
Ether was discovered in 1275 by Spanish chemist Raymundus Lullius, and was named ¡§sweet vitriol." In 1540, a German scientist Valerius Cordus described the synthesis of ether . At about the same time, Swiss physician and alchemist Paracelsus discovered the hypnotic effects of ether. In 1730, a German scientist W.G. Frobenius renamed the chemical sweet vitriol into ether.
Scientists and physicians used ether for many different things, but not yet as an anesthetic agent. In 1794, English physicians Richard Pearson and Thomas Beddoes used ether in the treatment of phthisis, catarrhal fever, bladder calculus, and scurvy. These treatments were performed …show more content…
Wells failed to demonstrate nitrous oxide anesthesia, chemist and physician Dr. Charles T. Jackson showed interest in his work, and consulted with Wells on the properties of both ether and nitrous oxide. Dr. Jackson was a professor at the Medical College of Massachusetts. Dr. Morton, a dentist, was also a pre-medical student. In coincidence, Dr. Jackson had tutored Dr. Morton in 1844, preparing him for medical school. Dr. Morton began to receive information about the use of ether from his friend and colleague Dr. Jackson. In 1846, after learning more about ether¡¦s properties, Morton started secret experiments with ether. He experimented on himself as well as small animals at his home in West Needham, Massachusetts. On September 30, 1846 at 9 p.m. in his Boston office, he painlessly removed a tooth from a city merchant Eben H. Frost. The use of ether was successful in Morton's dental practice, and local newspaper began to publicize Morton's