1. Models are analogies that allow us to clarify hypotheses—proposed explanations of relationships between causes and effects. What roles do models play in testing hypotheses?
Models provide the physical testing and proof of a hypothesis by exploring the extent to which the two factors relate within the given hypothesis. It puts a theory into action, to see if the theory is correct.
2. What did the humoral model of disease propose as the cause for cholera?
The humoral model of disease said that disease was caused by an imbalance in one or more of four "humors" or fluids in the body: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. Physicians would decide on a treatment based on what they thought was the cause of the imbalance. There were treatments that included the act of "blood-letting" where they would either cut the person, and allow them to bleed for a short time, or apply leaches to them to remove blood.
3. What did the miasma model of disease propose as the cause for cholera?
The miasma model of disease proposed that the cause for cholera was caused and spread from person to person through bad vapors or gases in the air.
4. Unlike Snow’s later work on cholera, his research on anesthesia was experimental in nature. What general skills of experimental design were necessary to plan effective experiments to test dosage measuring and delivery systems for anesthesia, or to investigate the properties and effects of different drugs?
In order for Snow to plan effective experiments to test dosage measuring and delivery systems for anesthesia, or to investigate the properties and effects of different drugs, he had to first decide that he would no longer be a surgeon, but focus his time primarily on his anesthesiology practices. The fact that Snow built a lab in his home, and used “animal subjects” for his testing, and recorded these findings, helped him investigate the properties and effects of different drugs.
5. Why are experiments