I helped Hilda draw blood from the jugular vein for a CBC and chemistry to be done.
Hilda placed a 22gauged IV catheter in the left cephalic vein. I helped restrain and hold of the blood vessel.
Dr. Cabeza gave Valium IV and shortly after gave propofol IV.
Patient was intubated with a 5.5 gauged endotracheal tube by Dr. Cabeza and was placed on Isoflurane.
Dr. Cabeza clipped the left axillary area where the mass was located and tech Hilda tided the legs to the table to stabilize the patient.
After I connected the patient to the monitoring devises. I monitored the patient under anesthesia. I recorded HR, RR, SPO2, temperature, blood pressure, MM, CRT, and anesthetic depth every five minutes. They did not have a capnograph so I could not record ETCO2. I was able to monitor anesthetic depth by looking at the position of the eye, palpebral reflex, and response to painful stimuli (increased HR, RR, BP). …show more content…
Cabeza proceeded to perform the mass removal. She was scrubbed in and sterile placed a fenestrated drape over the prepped area.
Once as the mass was removed it was placed in a jar filled with formaldehyde to be preserved and sent out to a lab to have a look at the sample.
After the mass removal was done I helped Hilda position the patient for her dental cleaning.
I charted that Penny was missing two teeth (305 and 405).
Once as Hilda finished the dental cleaning we turned off the vaporizer and flushed the system of any anesthetic gas. We left the patient connected to oxygen and stimulated her to wake up.
As soon as Penny gave us two good swallows we extubated her and placed her in a kennel all prepped up for her to recover in.
I stayed with Penny post op and checked on her TPRs while she was recovering. I knew she was fine once as he was able to sit up on her