Case Study
Tareq Aburus
Human Resource Management
Sept. 17th 2014
Dr. David Egleston
Expanding the number of store and franchising with the same high quality food and fresh ingredients, is a great idea and a wonderful opportunity for Angelo’s pizzeria as an entrepreneur. There must be a focus on 3 resource management implications;
1)-Business environment analysis:
The implication represent the company’s general competitive advantage and strategic planning. A strategic plan is the company’s plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order to maintain a competitive advantage. Angelo’s had realized his mistake in the early stages of his business before he branch off and start franchising. The lack of planning and proper HR management along with a job analysis system the company will fall apart. The proposed new location of stores must be where the high quality ingredients are readily available to meet demands, and stay focused on high quality.
20) - Job Analysis:
All businesses want to attract and maintain good people. A job analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of the positions and the characteristics of the people to hire.
Angelo’s must develop a strategic plan to keep all employees highly competent and professionally trained and focused on delivering good customer service. The strategic plan will outline the needs of Angelo’s business and the right staff to run that business. Angelo’s Human resource strategies will ensure the success of the right hire with the right compensation plan so the employees will know where to stand and the performance will be considered for future management position. Angelo’s will need training programs that are recognized so that each employee understands his/her role and expectation. Angelo needs to be willing to devote sufficient time to the training way before he jeopardized his business reputation, by
References: Dessler, G. (2000). Human resource management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.