Angels and Demons is a mystery-thriller novel written by Dan Brown. The book revolves around the character Robert Langdon, a professor of religious iconology at Harvard University. Angels and Demons is the first novel where Robert Langdon is the protagonist. After this novel, Dan Brown continues his story with three more books. Angels and Demons is set around the mysteries that follow the Pope’s death. It begins when an ancient secret brotherhood murders a particle physicist. Robert Langdon is then dragged into the story and then the whole story shifts to Rome and Vatican City and it is set around a chain of events that occur during conclave.
There are many symbols that are found throughout the novel. Ambigrams are used in novel by the Illuminati. The novel begins with Robert Langdon being woken up by a phone call. He is called by Maximilian Kohler, a particle physicist and the Director-General of CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research). Someone had murdered one of CERN’s best scientist, Leonardo Vetra, and has stolen the canister containing anti-matter. Kohler calls Langdon to help him out with his situation. Langdon was not interested over the phone until he received a fax. The fax contain the image that was found branded on the chest of Leonardo Vetra’s body. It was an ambigram of the name of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the ‘Illuminati’ or the ‘enlighten ones’.
Some people like the Camerlengo, believe that Science is Faith’s natural enemy. They believe that science and faith is like oil and water, they don’t mix. There are other character in the book like the late Pope, that believe that Science and Faith are not enemies. They believe that Science and Faith are linked together. Leonardo Vetra was a brilliant scientist that had made a ground-breaking discovery. He discovered that by smashing two particles after accelerating at almost light speed that he could break down the particle and see the moment of