If I were in Angie’s shoes I would not do what her husband, Paul, wants her to do. I wouldn’t let him or anyone get in the way of my future. In my opinion Gertie, Paul’s mom, is old already she has lived her life and now it’s time for Angie to live hers. Angie already sacrificed enough for her family. She put on hold her dreams and goals to take care of her family, it’s only fair that she finally gets the opportunity to achieve everything she has ever dreamed of. Gertie might live for another 20 years, by the time she dies it might be too late for Angie to finally start her career. If Paul wants his “mother” to not go to a nursing home then he should be the one to take care of her and not Angie. Angie already did enough for the past couple of years, by taking care of her children and being a fulltime homemaker.
Also the doctor said that Gertie’s condition might go on for years; it would be very dangerous to have her home. Angie would pretty much have to babysit her mother-in-law. She clogged toilets, and almost started a fire; Angie would have to keep an eye on her 24/7 which would be very exhausting. In a blink of an eye Gertie could disappear and cause trouble. Plus she probably won’t get any help from his husband since he will be working a lot.
It is not fair that she will have to risk her future and her children’s for an elderly. I think their kid’s future is more important than Gertie’s. Angie needs to work so they can pay for her son’s college, and also save up for her daughter’s too. Angie’s son, Jim, has been a really good student and really good athlete to get accepted in a good college, it wouldn’t be fair for all his hard work to be in vain and have him end up going to community college.
And last but not least, taking that job is a once in a life time opportunity. If she lets this opportunity pass by she