In today’s society people tend to turn to a blind eye to the animal abuse that occurs every day in America, whether it is by their decision to support certain companies that use animals for experimentation or choosing to be neglectful to animal abuse. Animal Cruelty is a big problem today, anyone could help stop it by adopting animals from shelters, rescuing animals or reporting problems like people leaving animals in hot cars or leaving them in their backyard without food or water. Helping animals is really easy you can do something as simple as checking A random dog you see for tags, and if you see that it has no tags then you should most likely take it to an animal shelter somewhere nearby, or you could do something like checking for abusive signs on animals, you could look how their living environment is and see if it’s an healthy environment for that animal to live in, Check for burns hair loss or any other abusive signs on the animals skin or coat, and if you see these signs on the animal make sure you know who to call as in the animal shelter or the police to get it taken care of so that problem can be dealt with. Adopting animals is a great way to help with problems like this you could do something like going to an animal shelter and looking for an abused animal in need that you could take care of so you could bring it home and give it the love it deserves instead of getting abused, or if you saw a stray dog that looks hungry and lonely you could take it in to your home and take care of it or if you didn’t want to take it with you, something else you could do is bring it down to an animal shelter so someone else could adopt it and take care of the animal, Animal abuse isn’t a hard thing to handle you could do something as easy as checking inside hot cars to check if people left their animal inside to adopting an animal from a shelter to rescuing or taking in stray animals, every year 1,654,545,000,000 animals are
In today’s society people tend to turn to a blind eye to the animal abuse that occurs every day in America, whether it is by their decision to support certain companies that use animals for experimentation or choosing to be neglectful to animal abuse. Animal Cruelty is a big problem today, anyone could help stop it by adopting animals from shelters, rescuing animals or reporting problems like people leaving animals in hot cars or leaving them in their backyard without food or water. Helping animals is really easy you can do something as simple as checking A random dog you see for tags, and if you see that it has no tags then you should most likely take it to an animal shelter somewhere nearby, or you could do something like checking for abusive signs on animals, you could look how their living environment is and see if it’s an healthy environment for that animal to live in, Check for burns hair loss or any other abusive signs on the animals skin or coat, and if you see these signs on the animal make sure you know who to call as in the animal shelter or the police to get it taken care of so that problem can be dealt with. Adopting animals is a great way to help with problems like this you could do something like going to an animal shelter and looking for an abused animal in need that you could take care of so you could bring it home and give it the love it deserves instead of getting abused, or if you saw a stray dog that looks hungry and lonely you could take it in to your home and take care of it or if you didn’t want to take it with you, something else you could do is bring it down to an animal shelter so someone else could adopt it and take care of the animal, Animal abuse isn’t a hard thing to handle you could do something as easy as checking inside hot cars to check if people left their animal inside to adopting an animal from a shelter to rescuing or taking in stray animals, every year 1,654,545,000,000 animals are