Frederick the Great of Prussia said, “A man’s best friend.” When this quote is used, it usually talks about domestic dogs. If “A man’s best friend” is a dog, why do people abuse and mistreat them? In a year there is about 1,920 animal abuse cases that are reported in the media(Animal). Over fifty percent of the cases reported on animal abuse involve dogs(Animal). Still, people call dogs, “a man’s best friend.”
A common type of animal abuse is dog fighting. Dog fighting is a “sport” that involves two dogs that fight in a pit or a ring. Dog fighting is illegal in all fifty states(Dog). Dogs that fight in dog fights are trained in a certain way. The dogs are isolated from other dogs, and sometimes, are on steroids(Dog). The owners of dogs that fight, invest money in the dogs. If a dog loses, it will receive harsh and cruel actions from the owner(Dog). In all of the animal abuse cases reported, nine percent is from dog …show more content…
Many people believe humans are more important than animals, and animals have no feelings. This is incorrect for many reasons. First of all, everyone, and everything is made for a specific reason. An animal is helpful to cheer someone up. Secondly, animals are living beings as well. Animals have feelings, just as humans do. It is statistically proven that, people with one or more pets live happier, longer, and healthier. If someone shows love, and care to an animal, it shows just amount of love back. This belief that humans are more important, and have no feelings is not