Nature vs. Nurture And Myths About the Breed
The existence of animals has been vital to the very development of mankind. Through hunting, fishing, and domestication of certain breeds, man has learned to live, for the most part at least, alongside these creatures. One case in particular, the domesticated wolf and modern-day dog (Canis lupus familiaris) has become a cornerstone of modern families, with an estimated forty-six percent of American households owning at least one dog (Humane Society). Some dogs, like the dogs known as pit-bulls, tend to have a negative implication surrounding them. This idea that pit-bulls are aggressive and dangerous stems from the fact that there are owners who train the dog to be vicious, and to attack, and certain myths surrounding the breed. This has led to the negative reputation that surrounds the breeds commonly classified as pit bulls. Any dog that is neglected, treated poorly, and forced to fight is more likely to act aggressively towards not only other dogs but people as well. The ideology that one should not paint an entire group with the same brush or that one bad apple should not spoil the bunch can be applied to dogs as well. Much like the way that all citizens of some Middle-Eastern countries may be viewed as ‘terrorists’ following the attacks on America on September 11th, not all of them are. There are extremists from every group and ethnicity that could cause harm to others, but no single group is inherently evil. And so it is with animals. Should an owner train its dog to attack, the dog will attack—but a well-trained pit with a loving family could go its entire life without so much as a hint of aggression towards another animal. Simply put, dogs, like people, are nothing more than a product of their upbringing. Myths surrounding the pit bull breeds have caused a spike in caution when dealing with pits. The fallacy that pit bulls have
Cited: The Human Society The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Final Word Count: 667