The working conditions may vary from time to time on this job. Oneself may work indoors, …show more content…
One of the skills is compassion. One has to have compassion for animals. But not only animals but some civilians as well. Oneself must have customer-service skills, he/she must know how to deal with people who are upset or angry, or not communicating very well. Oneself must be very detail oriented. Details must be paid attention to for if they are not, then someone can be falsely accused or not accused at all like how they should be. Patience is a key skill in this job. One must have patience when working with animals that might be very scared and hard to capture. Or animals that are in danger or trapped. One must have patience with people to. Physical stamina is a required skill, one must be able to keep up with animals and civilians. Problem- solving is also another key skill, one must know how to solve problems fast and on the spot. Reliability, animals must know that they can rely on he/she and others must know