
Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Animal Farm By George Orwell
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”(Orwell 177). In the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the pigs take advantage over the other animals by hoarding food, living in the house, and doing barely any work. Mr. Jones was a bad owner of the farm before, yet when Napoleon and the pigs took over things were not any better.
First, the pigs start to hoard food while the others rations are cut. Napoleon tricks the animals into thinking the pigs need apples and milk in their diet to be healthy. (Animal). While part of that may be true, all of the animals would need those foods just as much as the pigs. The pigs and dog keep getting a lot of food while others rations get get cut, “Once again all rations were reduced, except those of the pigs and the dogs.” (Orwell 146). All of the animals rations, including the dogs and pigs, should be cut if there is a food shortage, not just a selection of them. Even when food was scarce for the other animals the pigs always had more enough
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The pigs would get out of work by supervising the other animals, “The pigs did not actually work, but directed and supervised the others.” (Orwell 35). Since the animals had a higher knowledge of the other animals on the farm they would ‘supervise’ while the others worked. While the windmill was being worked on the pigs stood around and watched the other animals build it and would yell at them if they did not work hard enough. (Animal). The pigs did no work on the windmill that was painstaking for all the others. “The animals were all at work weeding turnips under the supervision of a pig” (Orwell 159). The pigs would even get out of the smallest amount of work by ‘supervising’. When Mr. Jones was on the farm the animals did not have to do all the work and upkeep on the farm, but now the other animals are doing that work while the pigs do

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