Congratulations! Your thorough reading has allowed you to participate in the final assessment, which will be a Socratic seminar. Briefly, a Socratic seminar is a formal discussion technique in which students generate and respond to high-level questions and use the text in support.
The format of our Socratic seminar will be as follows:
We will use a specific technique known as a “fishbowl discussion” and will use an “inner circle” and an “outer circle.” Only the inner circle may speak unless I specifically prompt the outer circle to join the discussion. One member of the inner circle will randomly draw a topic from the fishbowl, read the prompt to the group, and then address the question. If you wish, you may “pass” and draw again—but only once. Following your remarks, other members of the inner circle will add their thoughts—responding to the prompt, asking you for clarification or evidence, etc. Everyone is expected to be listening and thinking, not carrying on side conversations, being disruptive, doing your Algebra, or simply waiting you turn to talk. [If necessary, I might require you to raise your hand.] After a few minutes, we will move to the next person. Every member of the inner circle will address a prompt during the class period, and everyone in the inner circle must contribute at least once when it is NOT your turn.
Be sure to speak to the group, not to the teacher. And remember that the goal is to understand, not to debate.
Meanwhile, members of the outer circle must write down two high-level comments—textual support for something that was discussed, a high-level follow-up question, or an “a-ha!” moment. If you wish, you may raise your hand to share, although outer circle people are not required to speak or share. However, your comments must be submitted at the end of the period. Remember Costa’s levels of questioning, and choose Level 2 and Level 3 questions!