1. In Chapter 1, How is Mr. Jones portrayed?
He is portrayed as a reckless alcoholic.
2. The animals who gather to hear Major`s speech each mirror a human trait. What trait is revealed in Clover? Boxer? Benjamin? Mollie? The cats? The dogs? What is significant about the pigs and the raven?
Clover- she is very maternal
Boxer- he is strong and loyal
Benjamin- cynical, old, and wise
Mollie- she is very vain and self-absorbed
Cat- this animal is very lazy, played both sides of the fence, and has no convictions
Dog- these animals are elitists who hated the rats and are intelligent
Pigs- these animals are very intelligent and in charge
Raven- this animal symbolizes organized religion and nobody likes this animal
3. Why has Major called the meeting?
Major has called the meeting to tell about his dream and revolution and how bad humans are, he thinks he'll die soon.
4. What is the political statement that emerges from Major's dream? Major says that all animals will rebel because all people are evil; rebellion and freedom, man overworks and doesn't feed the animals. As long as the animals do work, they don't care if the animals die.
5. What was Major's warning to the animals?
He said to never exploit another animal and that all animals must be equal.
6. What evil human habits does Major warn the animals about?
Major says for the animals to never wear clothes, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, sleep in a bed, etc. Clothing ruins a sense of equality.
7. What was Major's description of the equality of animals? It is pretty much the foundation of communism. All animals contribute according to talent and take only what they need.
8. What world does Major dream?
Major dreams of an earth without man.
9. Why does Orwell describe "Beasts of England" as "a stirring tune, something between "Clementine" and "La Cucuracha"?"
Those are catchy tunes and they remember the catchy tune faster, "Beasts of England" is their "National Anthem."
10. Which