old major tries to use the animals fear of slavery and unhappiness to turn the animals against jones. He explains to the animals of Manor Farm what will happen when “[their] usefulness comes to and end” and telling them
that “[they] will be slaughtered with hideous cruelty” (Orwell 28). He tells them of a bloody end for the animals on Manor Farm to scare them into thinking that mankind is nothing but vicious and despicble. he also makes them dread of the inevitable end that will come upon them under the rule of man. He points put that “no animal in England know the meaning of happiness ….” and “the life of an animal is miserly and slavery” to scare them into joining him (orwell 28). By using their fear against them, Old Major convinces them of horrible thing come under human tyranny. This acomm[polishes his goal in getting the animals to see his perspective and agree with it. After fear mongering works, Old major Uses another type of proporganda when talimg to the animals of animal farm.
Old Major makes hasty generlizations, when trying to persuade the animals to unite against man and follow his teachings.trying to convince the animals to do so he tell them “all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tryanny of human beings”(orwell 30). Old major also tells them that if they got rid of man, Overnight they would become free and rich. This makes them begin ti hate man. Old Major explains that “man serves the interests of no creature expect himself” (Orwell 30)