Every chapter is a different phase or event of the Russian Revolution. One example of this would be the first chapter. The first chapter of the book can be simply labeled as “Old Major’s Dream.” As the old boar has the animals all gather to hear of this dream he had. It's not your typical dream, the ones easily forgotten or wild and unrealistic. It's a bit like an idea; Old Major's dream is about equality with all animals, equality only possible with the removal of humans. He tells the other animals that "Man…consumes without producing," and he encourages them to "work … for the over-throw of the human race." Basically, he elucidates that mankind have been taking gain of their fruitless labor for years, and that it's time for the oppression of man to end. His message? "Rebellion.” In the view of an allegory, Old Major's vision is a basic form of the Communist Manifesto, the same Manifesto that sparked Revolution. In 1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels printed the Communist Manifesto, which gave out the main ideals and properties that gave birth to what is modernly referred to as communism. The underlying theme of the Manifesto was capitalism was extremely defective, and oppressed all of the men who worked under
Every chapter is a different phase or event of the Russian Revolution. One example of this would be the first chapter. The first chapter of the book can be simply labeled as “Old Major’s Dream.” As the old boar has the animals all gather to hear of this dream he had. It's not your typical dream, the ones easily forgotten or wild and unrealistic. It's a bit like an idea; Old Major's dream is about equality with all animals, equality only possible with the removal of humans. He tells the other animals that "Man…consumes without producing," and he encourages them to "work … for the over-throw of the human race." Basically, he elucidates that mankind have been taking gain of their fruitless labor for years, and that it's time for the oppression of man to end. His message? "Rebellion.” In the view of an allegory, Old Major's vision is a basic form of the Communist Manifesto, the same Manifesto that sparked Revolution. In 1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels printed the Communist Manifesto, which gave out the main ideals and properties that gave birth to what is modernly referred to as communism. The underlying theme of the Manifesto was capitalism was extremely defective, and oppressed all of the men who worked under