70 cm (27.05 in) in diameter and 1.5 (6 in) deep. The other is an apparent arrangement of seven linear concretions and a column of weathered bedrock whose pattering suggests human agency” (Madsen 153). In the second layer, several pieces of chert with biface reduction flakes have been found. The discovery of chert is strange for the area, as chert in not found in Saltville or nearby areas meaning that the tool shaped rock had to have been brought into the area from elsewhere, most likely by Paleo-Indians in the area. In addition, the interpretation of SV-2’s stratigraphy the reads, “the faunal concentration at 13,500 to 13,000 RCYBP; it was apparently deposited during a low-water stage that occurred soon after the lake formed”, suggesting that the Saltville people harvested clams, amphibians, and fish during the low periods (Goodyear
70 cm (27.05 in) in diameter and 1.5 (6 in) deep. The other is an apparent arrangement of seven linear concretions and a column of weathered bedrock whose pattering suggests human agency” (Madsen 153). In the second layer, several pieces of chert with biface reduction flakes have been found. The discovery of chert is strange for the area, as chert in not found in Saltville or nearby areas meaning that the tool shaped rock had to have been brought into the area from elsewhere, most likely by Paleo-Indians in the area. In addition, the interpretation of SV-2’s stratigraphy the reads, “the faunal concentration at 13,500 to 13,000 RCYBP; it was apparently deposited during a low-water stage that occurred soon after the lake formed”, suggesting that the Saltville people harvested clams, amphibians, and fish during the low periods (Goodyear