This is a report of performance analysis of the company entitled IFIC Bank. The ratio analysis will help to find out the financial performance of this bank for the period of 2006 to 2009. The performance of IFIC Bank has been analyze in terms of
Activity (Efficiency) ratios
Profitability ratios
Market Position ratios
The objective of this report is to analyze the financial performance of IFIC Bank from the years
2006 to 2009. Ratios have been used as an instrument to analyze and explain the financial performance of the bank. This will allow a greater insight into the company and also the industry where it operates. I will also recommend on what needs to be done for the improvement of the bank. This analysis will help investors to decide on whether to invest their money in IFIC Bank or not. The objective of a company is to maximize shareholder¶s wealth. I will identify on behalf of the investors whether the company is actually directing toward its objective by using ratio analysis. This report will also allow me to get some practical experience regarding the financial evaluation using ratio analysis. This will prove useful in the future, when I will be in the practical field.
Ratio Analysis of IFIC Bank
The purpose of my term paper is to analyze the performance of IFIC .The project starts with Data Collection
This term paper is based on Secondary Data. The main sources in conducting this research were the bank¶s annual report, DSE Library, selected reference books, local texts books about bank management, credit risk rating report of IFIC Bank and journals on the internet.
Quantitative Analysis
I have conducted a Quantitative Analysis. Various types and classes of ratios were used in evaluating performance of IFIC Bank. According to the plan I calculated all the ratios by taking require information from its financial reports. Almost all of
Bibliography: 33