Performance evaluation of a company is usually related to how well a company can use its assets, share holder equity and liability, revenue and expenses. Financial ratio analysis is one of the best tools of performance evaluation of any company. In order to determine the financial position of the Square Pharmaceutical Limited and to make a judgment of how well is the efficiency of Square Pharmaceutical Limited, its operation and management and how well the company has been able to utilize its assets and earn profit.
We use ratio analysis for easily measurement of efficiency, liquidity position, asset management circumstance, investment condition, profitability, market value and debt coverage situation of the Square Pharmaceutical Limited for performance evaluation. It analyzes that how the company uses of its assets and control of its expenses. It determines the greater the coverage of liquid assets to short-term liabilities and it also compute ability to pay. It measures overall efficiency and performance of Square Pharmaceutical Limited. It determines of share market condition of Square Pharmaceutical Limited.
Square Pharmaceutical Limited is the most famous company in Bangladesh. It was established in 1958 but their converted into public limited company in 1991. It is the first among all national, multinational, private and public of pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh. Their mission is to produce and provide quality healthcare relief of people, maintain strongly ethical standard in business operation also ensuring benefit to the shareholder, stakeholder, and society. Their vision is social wellbeing of the investors, employee and society at large, wealth financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization. Their objectives are to conduct transparent business operation based on market mechanism within the legal and social frame work.
Financial ratios are useful indicators of a firm 's
References: 1. Block, Stanley B and Hirt, Geoffrey A. Foundation of Financial Management 12th edition. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. APPENDIX Financial Statement of Square Pharmaceutical Limited (2011-10)