Anne, Margot, and their family went into hiding the next day. (“Frank, Anne”-Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia). They were soon joined by Jewish dentist, Fritz Pfeffer, one of Otto’s Jewish co-workers, Hermann van Pels, his wife, and their son, Peter, who was close in age with Anne. They hid in a secret annex (a room adjoined to or added into a main building) that Anne’s father had prepared for them. The opening of the annex was hidden only by a hinged bookcase. Anne was only twelve at the time. The families tried to continue with life as normal as they possibly could. The children, Anne, Margot, and Peter, still continued to study and do homework (“Frank, Anne”- Compton’s by
Anne, Margot, and their family went into hiding the next day. (“Frank, Anne”-Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia). They were soon joined by Jewish dentist, Fritz Pfeffer, one of Otto’s Jewish co-workers, Hermann van Pels, his wife, and their son, Peter, who was close in age with Anne. They hid in a secret annex (a room adjoined to or added into a main building) that Anne’s father had prepared for them. The opening of the annex was hidden only by a hinged bookcase. Anne was only twelve at the time. The families tried to continue with life as normal as they possibly could. The children, Anne, Margot, and Peter, still continued to study and do homework (“Frank, Anne”- Compton’s by