The purpose of the annotated bibliography assignment is to give you practice in writing summaries in a scholarly tone that you can use as part of your doctoral study. When you work on your study in the doc study mentoring class, you will be responsible for submitting annotated bibliographies including brief summaries and assessments of the sources. An annotated bibliography will be a valuable asset for you when you sit down to write your doc study and should contain everything you will need in a short succinct paragraph (or two) from each scholarly source/study. If you write the bibliography entries properly, you should be able to cut and paste into your doctoral study.
Please ensure you address all components of the assignment …show more content…
so you get an understanding of how to critically summarize a source:
Reliability of evaluation of research methods and of the theories and data on which the article is based
Appropriateness for intended audience
Authority or background of the author
Limitations, depending on the scope, reliability, age of the document, and bias
Usefulness of the source for your purposes
Module 3 Assignment 1 Rubric:
Annotated Bibliography on Innovation (DRAFT submission) (50 points)
Identification of Resources
15 pts maximum
(14–15 points)
(11–13 points) 11
Minimal Acceptance
(0–10 points)
Identifies 4 peer-reviewed resources with clear relevance to an innovation in the candidate’s specialization or area of research interest. There is a clear connection among the resources. The resources identified can serve as the basis for further scholarly inquiry
Identifies 4 peer- reviewed resources with some relevance to an innovation in the candidate’s specialization or area of interest and some relationship to one another. With some revision, they could serve as a basis for further scholarly inquiry.
Does not identify four peer-reviewed resources relevant to innovation in candidate’s specialization or area of interest. The resources have little or no connection to one another and could not serve as the basis for further scholarly inquiry.
Reflection and Analysis
10 points maximum
(9-10 points)
(7-8 points)
Minimal Acceptance
(0–6 points) 6
Includes a concise summary and a concise yet complete evaluation of the quality and usefulness of each resource which addresses most of the questions found in the assignment instructions
Includes a summary and some evaluation of the quality and usefulness of each resource which addresses some of the questions found in the assignment instructions but the evaluation could be more complete or insightful
Contains no summary and evaluation of the resources or includes a brief summary with no evaluation off the quality or usefulness of the resource.
Critical Thinking
10 points maximum
(9–10 points)
(7–8 points)
Minimal Acceptance
(0–6 points) 6
Successfully follows the assignment instructions.
Demonstrates exceptional ability to engage in scholarly thinking and writing.
Summaries and evaluations of each resource are logically presented and show ample evidence of higher order thinking
Follows assignment instructions. Demonstrates some higher levels of thinking and writing.
Summaries and evaluations are mostly logically presented
Does not follow instructions specific to the assignment. Minimally demonstrates or does not demonstrate scholarly thinking and writing.
Summaries and evaluation of each resource are not logically presented
5 points maximum
(5 points)
(3–4 points) 3
Minimal Acceptance
(0–2 points)
The document is well organized.
The format is easy to follow, flows smoothly from one idea to another, and logically conveys the key ideas.
The style remains consistent.
The document is presented in a thoughtful manner.
There is an overall organization and most transitions are easy to follow, but at times ideas are unclear.
The document is inconsistent and at times unorganized.
The format is difficult to follow and transitions of ideas are abrupt and distracting.
Style and Grammar
10 points maximum
(9-10 points)
(7-8 points) 7
Minimal Acceptance
(0–6 points)
Follows APA writing style including proper citations for each resources Adheres to rules of formal English grammar and written essay style.
Exhibits higher levels of critical thinking than memory/recall.
Communicates in a cohesive, logical style.
Mostly follows APA writing style, including mostly correct citations for each resource. Adheres to and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style.
Exhibits critical thinking and not just memory/recall.
Mostly communicates in a cohesive, logical style.
Does not follow APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style.
Exhibits minimal critical thinking or is primarily memory/recall.
Does not communicate in a cohesive, logical style.
Annotated Bibliography
Towannia Bonaparte
Walden University
DDBA 8006 Contemporary Challenge in Business
Dr. Cheryl McMahan
October 1, 2014
Articles and Reviewed Studies Article One: Is Shared Leadership the Key to Responsible Leadership Pearce, Craig, Wassenaar, Christina L., Manz, CharlesC. Academy of Management Perspectives. Aug2014, Vol.28 Issue 3, p275-288. 14p
The article about lLeadership is being based on (what type of study?) the role of a leader and the responsibility of a leader.
Pearce, Wassenaar, and Manz The author speaks of studied (or investigated or researched….)leaders taking ownership of a particular task or duty. Some oOrganizational leadership roles over the recent years have come under fire due to ethical lapses, which is important in an organization. With shared leadership roles it has been said that "do no harm perspective and "do good perspective. It is important to remain balanced in a leadership role in an organization. When there is a shared role in leadership all partners are considered to be leaders. The author used examples from issues from Nigeria to explain and also explore the shared leadership theory.
Article Two: Leadership and Organizational Strategy Fairholm, Matthew R. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, Volume 14(1), 2009, article 3 The purpose of a strategy is to achieve a certain goal that is going to bring about change to a company or a solution to a problem. Strategy and lLeadership work hand in hand in an organization. Many organizations face dilemmas when it comes to finances, the point and purpose of a strategy is to resolve any issues that may arise without warning. Fairholm has created 4 different ways a company can strategize to eliminate various issues that are common in an organization.
Article Three: Future of Effectively Ethically …show more content…
Sarwar, Chaudhary. Journal of Business Ethics. Mar2013, Vol. 113 Issue 1, p81-89. 9p. 7 DOI: 10.1007/s10551-012-1283
Ethically effective leadership has been described as one being accountable and responsible ethically each ones ' actions. Effective leadership lies beneath activities of the individual leader. Being a leader internationally requires virtual and face to face interactions. Leadership requires playing a positive role and leading in the right direction for the betterment of an organization or a group of employees. The author has referred to leadership as being mixed reality based upon the various stimulants that are required as a leader.
Article Four: Why Leadership Development Programs Fail
Gurdjian, Pierre, Halbeisen, Thomas, Lane, Kevin
McKinsey Quarterly. 2014. Issue 1, p 121-126. 6p
In regards to leadership most organizations have spent millions of dollars to assure the company succeeds and overcome all obstacles.
When reality not all leaders can lead. All companies do not have the same issues so the theory one size fits all does not apply to all organizations. The rules of engagement of a successful leader resides on the way the leader leads and how well the leader can adapt to change and apply it to that particular situation. The author speaks on three particular leadership transitions that are very important. The first take is to be an expert at tending to the customers and focusing on marketing. The second consist of project executors who consistently deal with day to day issues. The third target is to support the functioning